Sacré-Cœur, 75018 Paris

By MESAGI, the


This is one of my favorite places in Paris. The Basilica of Sacré-Cœur (Sacred Heart) in the 18th district. I started my street photography session as soon as I emerged from the métro station Anvers. It was an uncomfortably warm morning. But the golden light of the sun was adding beautifully to the spirituality of the place. The Basilica was shining on top of the butte of Montmartre like a lighthouse of hope.

The place was crowded, I don’t remember seeing it empty since my childhood. Sadly, some people seem to not get the spiritual side of the place and respect it. I kneeled to take the last photo of the video below, near the Basilica. Half an hour later, on my way back, I was still smelling the pee. But, hey it was worth it. 🙂

Watch the sneak peek video below. Expect to see more in an upcoming physical publication.

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