How to Study (Street) Photography Without Spending Too Much Money

By MESAGI, the



Have you developed an interest in (street) photography? Here are a few advice to help you get started without breaking the bank for courses.

Good courses are expensive but books aren’t

The most economical way to study photography is through books. There are free guides and blog posts online but a book will always be more comprehensive.

When I was looking for courses, the good ones were long (1-2 years) and cost 8-16K€! The more affordable ones looked useless. They didn’t seem to provide anything more than a 20€ book at 100x the cost.

Good photography courses are expensive but good books aren’t. For $100 you can buy a few instructive books brand new. Look for used ones to spend even less. You can also check your public library but choices may be limited. The goal is to constitute for yourself an economical but useful private library.

Photography books will teach you everything

Photography books will teach you everything. From exposure to compositional techniques to practical tips. (Don’t forget to take notes while reading them.)

If you don’t know which one to get first, check these out: Understanding Exposure (Bryan Peterson), Read This If You Want To Take Good Photographs (Henry Carroll), and Mastering Street Photography (Brian Lloyd Duckett). Browse Amazon to find more suggestions, check the table of contents, and read the reviews before dropping your cash.

Photobooks are worth their prices

Educational photography books are essential but not enough. You need references. That is photographs that are the results of years of skills development, experimentation, struggles, and failures.

Where to find them? In photobooks! You know, these usually hefty releases from famous photographers of past and present? They’re often a bit expensive but they’re worth their prices. They will be like guiding lights, showing you what can be done with experience. They’ll inspire you for years.

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