Received a grant

By MESAGI, the


I love my GR III but for months I’ve been longing for an interchangeable lens camera (ILC)… I’m fantasizing about using manual lenses on a full-frame body and wondering: “How does it feel?“. Sadly, it was out of my reach financially. This is why I asked for a grant, as an artist-photographer, from the Paris City Hall. I can’t believe it: the grant was approved to help me get an ILC! I’m honored and thankful for this valuable, and unexpected, support! This patronage obliges me, and I will keep on holding to my calling to give life to my artistic fantasies (starting with a book). Can you guess which compact body I’m going to get? Hint: the brand starts with an “S”…

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Hi! I’m MESAGI, a self-taught artist photographer based in Paris, France. My blog is provided to you without annoying ads. If you appreciate it, you can support me by following me. Thank you!

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