
  • My 1st lens

    Recently I had the pleasure to show you my first interchangeable lens camera: the SIGMA FP L. I just received my first lens: the Voigtländer…

  • My new camera

    I present you my new camera: the SIGMA FP L! It’s bigger than my GR III but it’s still pretty compact for a full-frame camera.…

  • I love my GR III but for months I’ve been longing for an interchangeable lens camera (ILC)… I’m fantasizing about using manual lenses on a…

  • A few weeks ago, I attended the first photography exhibition of my life at the French National Library. Intimidating at first, it was enriching. Named…

  • The new design of my website is finally live! It took me more than a month and many trials to create a minimalist and informative…